Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius - December 2017

It’s been a while since I’ve posted a blog update about the wonderful world of Astrology. So as many of you know (and have experienced lately), Mercury is currently in retrograde motion. The good news is that it’s almost over…the 22nd is the last day of the retrograde motion for Mercury.
Mercury has been stirring around in the energy of Sagittarius bringing a lighter, more enjoyable energy to the mind. Responsibilities, duties, obligations…none of that seems to be so serious at this time. For those of you who feel the weight of those responsibilities, this may have been a time of welcome reprieve.
Where things go wrong, you may not feel so stressed at this time and by all means, don’t accord things more importance than necessary however don’t let the natural optimism that Mercury takes on while in Sagittarius blind you either. From the mental perspective, Sagittarius tends to focus on the bigger picture which conveys a natural optimism and a tendency not to sweat the details.
The other side to that optimism is a tendency to not learn the lessons that (perceived) failures offer us. When we have repeated incidents or outcomes (that aren’t to our liking) it’s important for us to take time to reflect and learn how we can change the outcomes we create. When we trip and fall once, optimism tells us that it’s okay and that everything will be okay – so we dust ourselves off and proceed on our merry way.

As intelligent beings, it is important for us to take cognizance of our lives and experiences to a deeper level – and we do that through reflection.
When we trip and fall repeatedly, dust ourselves off and proceed on our merry way we continue to make the same mistakes over and over – at times, optimism can blind us serving as a mechanism by which we avoid the truth of our actions. Oftentimes we know that a certain course of action will lead to the same old result but we try to tell ourselves that everything will turn out right this time.
The point here is that it is crucial to step back and reflect every once in a while. Direct experience is wonderful, but without reflection it can take several tries before direct experience teaches us what we need to learn. As intelligent beings, it is important for us to take our cognizance of our lives and experiences to a deeper level – and we do that through reflection.
Considering that we are approaching the end of 2017, I urge you to take the time to reflect over the year and come more cognizant of what your direct experiences have opened to you this year. Take what you need to learn and move on to new experiences in 2018 – this is what Mercury is encouraging you to do at this time.
So please, reflect….learn….and do better for yourself! I hope that your reflections pay you back in intelligence and wisdom!
Blessings to you for a new year!
#astrology #spiritualjourney #masteryourstars #mercuryretrograde #timeforreflection #positivethinking